
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 19:04:46
【摘要】:本文开篇列举了近年来会计造假事件影响较大的“安然事件”和“银广厦事件” ,由此引出,在当前加强会计职业道德建设的重要性和紧迫性。首先,文章通过对道德、职业道德和会计职业道德的系统研究,并结合市场经济条件下的道德观,对会计职业道德的概念予以重新界定,使之在外延上更加完善,并根据重新界定后的概念构建了会计职业道德的内容体系。其次,阐述了现今会计行业在职业道德建设方面所存在的问题。最后,针对上述存在的问题,提出了他律与自律相结合、加强会计职业道德建设、净化环境并进行综合治理的解决措施。力求使得我国会计职业道德的建设迈上一个新台阶。

On the building of the accounting professional ethics
Abstract: The paper cited the opening event of false accounting in recent years a greater impact on the "Enron" and "Silver Guangsha incident", which leads to the current accounting professional ethics to strengthen the building of the importance and urgency. First, the article passed on ethics, professional ethics and professional ethics of the accounting system, combined with a market economy under the conditions of ethics, professional ethics of the accounting be re-defined the concept, make it more perfect on the extension and re-defined under Construction of the concept of professional ethics of the accounting system of the content. Secondly, today described the accounting industry in the building of professional ethics by the existing problems. Finally, above the existing problems, put forward by others and self-discipline integration, strengthen the building of the accounting professional ethics, c